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Eventos pasados:

Noviembre 2015

Conferencia: APT Conference

11/1/2015 – 11/5/2015

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT), is a cross-disciplinary, membership organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures and their settings. Membership in APT provides exceptional opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas. APT will b e held in Kansas City 2015 – Nov. 1 – 5. The theme for this year’s Conference is: Convergence of People and Places—Diverse Technologies and Practices. Becas disponibles para asistir a la conferencia.


Taller: VI Taller de Archivística, Historia y Patrimonio Documental


El Archivo Histórico Provincial de Camagüey (AHPC) convoca al VI Taller de Archivística, Historia y Patrimonio Documental que se efectuará el 3 de noviembre en esta ciudad, en homenaje al Día del Archivero Cubano y la creación del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Camagüey. Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba.


Curso: Curso Internacional de Conservación de Papel en América Latina

11/04/2015 – 11/20/2015

Un encuentro con Oriente. Organizado por CNCPC-INAH (México), National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Tokio, Japón), ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property). Fecha: 4 al 20 de noviembre 2015. Lugar: México D.F., México.


Symposio: Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition

11/16/2015 – 11/18/2015

Join us at the 54th Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition will be held November 16-18, 2015 at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, NJ.


Congreso: Material en Movimiento

11/16/2015 – 11/20/2015

10º Congreso de Conservación de Textiles de América del Norte. 16–20 de noviembre de 2015. Nueva York, Nueva York.


Conferencia: The Lunder Conservation Center and the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, present: Conservation and Exhibition Planning: Material Testing for Design, Display, and Packing

11/19/2015 – 11/20/2015

A two-day conference: November 19 & 20, 2015. Smithsonian American Art Museum, McEvoy Auditorium, 8th and G Streets, NW, Washington, DC.


Próximo encuentro del Grupo de Trabajo de Escultura, Policromía y Decoraciones Arquitectónicas del ICOM-CC. 19 y 20 de noviembre 2015 en Madrid, España.

11/19/2015 – 11/20/2015

Sedes del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) y el Museo de América. Tema: esta conferencia se centrará en la parte más expresiva y delicada de la policromía escultórica: la representación realista de la superficie (piel) del cuerpo humano, las llamadas encarnaciones (Inglés: carnation o flesh painting). Su principal foco de atención será la escultura en madera policromada de Europa y América Latina producida entre los siglos XI y XVIII. Abstracts submitted after the deadline on 15 May 2015 will not be considered.


Simposio: Simpósio de História da Arte – O Retábulo no espaço Iberoamericano: Forma, função e iconografia.

11/26/2015 – 11/27/2015

Terá lugar na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Febrero 2016

Conferencia: CAA 104th Annual Conference

2/3/2016 – 2/6/2016

The College Art Association (CAA) 104th Annual Conference, will take place in February 3–6, 2016, in Washington, DC.


Marzo 2016

Curso: Conservation of Built Heritage

3/4/2016 – 4/29/2016

4 March – 29 April 2016. Rome, Italy. Application deadline: 28 August 2015.


Taller y symposio: Collaborative Workshop in Photograph Conservation

3/14/2016 – 3/18/2016

The Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, in collaboration with the Center for Creative Photography, is pleased to announce its next Collaborative Workshop in Photograph Conservation focused on plastics associated with photographic materials. This workshop will include a two-day symposium (March 16 – 17, 2016) that features opening lectures by invited session chairs, as well as 20-minute submitted presentations that will address the many different historic and contemporary uses of plastics associated with photographic materials and their long-term preservation challenges.  It will be of interest to conservators, curators, collection managers, photo historians and archivists.


Mayo 2016

Congreso: Congreso Euro – Americano REHABEND 2016

En Mayo de 2016 se celebra en Burgos (España) el Congreso Euro – Americano REHABEND 2016 sobre “Patología de la Construcción, Tecnología de la Rehabilitación y Gestión del Patrimonio” organizado por diez entidades de 7 países Europeos y Americanos, y dirigido por la Universidad de Cantabria, a través de su el Grupo de Tecnología de la Edificación (GTED-UC), y la Universidad de Burgos.


Conferencia: 3rd International Conference on Defence Sites: Heritage and Future

5/4/2016 – 5/6/2016

The 3rd International Conference on Defence Sites: Heritage and Future will be reconvened in 2016 in Alicante following the success of the previous meetings held in Portsmouth, UK in 2012 and the Arsenale di Venezia, Italy in 2014. The conference series launched by the Wessex Institute is co-organised on this occasion by the University of Alicante, Spain. 4 – 6 May 2016. Alicante, Spain.


Conferencia: 1st International Conference on Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art

5/17/2016 – 5/19/2016

The Conference aims to highlight the importance of Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art to the world and its influence across different regions. The Meeting will deal with the design of many types of buildings in Islamic countries, including not only the better known public buildings such as mosques, mausolea, citadels and forts, but also houses and gardens, engineering works such as bridges and dams, irrigation systems and many others which have also had a profound impact on society. Islamic Architecture has enriched design with a wide variety of structural shapes, including among others, unique arches, a wide variety of vaults and domes, which allow for new forms to be developed. The influence that these structural forms have in non-Islamic countries will be one of the themes of the Conference. 17–19 May 2016. Valéncia, Spain.


Conferencia: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism

5/18/2016 – 5/20/2016

Sustainable Tourism 2016 is the seventh meeting organised in this successful series. The first was held in Segovia (2004), followed by Bologna (2006), Malta (2008), the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute (2010), A Coruña (2012) and Opatija, Croatia in 2014. Today tourism is an important component of development, not only in economic terms but also for knowledge and human welfare. Tourism has long since ceased to be something just for the privileged few and today is an activity accessible to a growing number of people. The phenomenon has many more advantages than disadvantages. 18 – 20 May 2016. Valéncia, Spain.


Curso: Wood Conservation Technology

5/19/2016 – 6/30/2016

The 17th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT 2016) – A course on the conservation of cultural heritage made of wood. Dates: 19 May – 30 June 2016. Place: Oslo, Norway (premises of Riksantikvaren). Organized by: ICCROM, Riksantikvaren – The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway, and NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. Applications should reach ICCROM by 30 September 2015 to ensure inclusion in our selection process.


Septiembre 2016

Reunion: ICOM-CC Photographic Materials Working Group Triennial Meeting 2016

9/21/2016 – 9/24/2016

First Announcement: The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and the Photographic Materials Working Group of ICOM-CC are pleased to announce plans for the 2016 PMWG triennial meeting. The Rijksmuseum will host the event, scheduled for 21-24 September 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This meeting is an important gathering of photograph conservators and historians from all over the world. Past meetings have been held in Wellington, Athens, Rochester, and Paris, among other locations. The 2016 meeting will be comprised of two days of workshops and tours followed by two days of lectures and a poster display. The subjects of the workshops, the tour locations and the call for papers will be announced in October 2015.


