“Gestión de emergencias en el patrimonio cultural: compartiendo experiencias y fortaleciendo las redes en las Américas”
2 a 5 de octubre, 2018 Antigua, Guatemala
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APOYOnline Goes to Cuba!
At the end of March 2018, APOYOnline directors Amparo Rueda and Beatriz Haspo traveled to Havana, Cuba with a team of conservators from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, led by Debbie Hess-Norris, to implement a pioneering four-day photograph preservation workshop. In addition to a successful workshop, the trip included visits to cultural institutions and provided the opportunity to connect with many of Cuba’s warm and talented preservation professionals. 58 conservators, curators, archivists, architects, educators, and photographers from national and private institutions participated in the workshop, the first preservation workshop of any kind in Cuba that included participants from all 15 provinces. It focused on the examination, identification, and care of photographic print and negative collections and included hands-on sessions to reinforce key concepts. The workshop was co-organized by APOYOnline and Cuba’s Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, whose President Gladys Collazo Usallán opened and closed the conference. APOYOnline also spoke to the group and emphasized the importance of collaboration and networking in the region and across the Americas to support preservation efforts. An especial recognition was given to the existing Cuban professional network initiated by APOYOnline 20 years ago in Havana, for its continued efforts to promote preservation awareness in Cuba. While the workshop was held at the National Museum of Fine Arts, the trip also included visits to the photo collections of the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana and the Museum of Music, whose dedicated staff work to preserve collections of historic photographs, sheet music, documents, and musical instruments that convey the country’s dynamic history. APOYOnline looks forward to many more such fruitful professional development events; this inspiring journey highlighted the power of building bridges with our talented colleagues in Cuba and across the hemisphere. We would like to thank the enthusiastic participants, the skilled and passionate instructors led by Prof. Debbie Hess Norris – Shannon Brogdan-Grantham, Amber Kehoe, Barbara Lemmen, and Ronel Namde – the generous support of the University of Delaware Office of the Provost and College of Arts and Sciences, and the Conservation Department, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural in Cuba, and our many kind supporters who contributed for the success of this initiative.
Past Workshops:
July 2015
Workshop in Colombia:
By APOYOnline initiative and in partnership with the Fulbright Foundation, the Arizona State Museum, the External University of Colombia, and Strengthening Program Museums of the Ministry of Culture, Dr. Nancy Odegaard is making a visit this month to Colombia. Dr. Ødegaard is an international specialist on the subject of conservation of archaeological collections, the author of several books on the subject, professor at Arizona State University and Director of the State Archaeological Museum in Tucson, AZ, USA. During her visit Dr. Odegaard will lead classes, workshops and demonstrations about preventive conservation and collections management in museums. She will also discuss the ethical aspects of managing archaeological collections. Her visits to three regions of Colombia will be made in partnership with the following universities: in Barranquilla, with the University of the Atlantic, Pereira Technological University of Pereira, Manizales with the University of Manizales, Popayan with the University of Cauca. During her last week in Bogota Dr. Odegaard will give a one week class to students from the Archaeological Externship Program. She will visit several important archaeological collections, including the Archaeological Museum, Casa del Marques de San Jorge, and the Gold Museum. Finally, Dr. Odegaard will deliver an open lecture to museum professionals of Bogotá on the following theme: “The care of cultural heritage: some ethical, ethnic and legal.” The coordination of this visit and translation of the material was made by APOYOnline, Amparo Rueda.
May 2015
Workshop in Miami: Professional Development in the Americas: Links to the Panelists’ videos: All six videos can be seen in this playlist. Panelist #1 “APOYONLINE – 25 years of Networking in the Americas” – by Beatriz Haspo & Amparo Rueda. APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas. Panelist #2 “Networking Latin America” by Katriina Similä, ICCROM, Rome, Italy. Panelist #3 “The Preservation of Photographs Here, There, and Everywhere: Effective Collaboration, Advocacy & Fundraising” by Debbie Hess Norris. University of Delaware, USA. Panelist #4 “Professional networking as a permanent process and the essence of leadership” by Magdalena Krebs, University of Los Andes. Santiago, Chile. Panelist #5 “Professional networking experiences in the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean, and beyond: where do we go from here” by Hilda Abreu, Hilab, Dominican Republic. Panelist #6 “Overview of Cultural Heritage Conservation in Brazil” by Marcia Rizzo. MRizzo Restoration, At PUC-SP, Brazil.
8:00 – 8:20 – APOYOnline – 25 years of Networking in the Americas
Beatriz Haspo & Amparo Rueda APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas
8:20 – 8:40 – Networking Latin America
Katriina Similä, Project Manager, Collections Unit, ICCROM, Rome, Italy
8:40 – 9:00 – The Preservation of Photographs Here, There, and Everywhere:
Effective Collaboration, Advocacy & Fundraising Debbie Hess Norris Chairperson, Art Conservation Program, University of Delaware, USA
9:00 – 9:20 – Professional networking as a permanent process and the essence of leadership
Magdalena Krebs Director of the master’s Program on Cultural Heritage Management, University of Los Andes. Former Director, DIBAM and CNCR, Santiago, Chile
9:20 – 9:40 – Professional networking experiences in the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean, and beyond: where do we go from here
Hilda Abreu Executive Director, Hilab, Dominican Republic
9:40 – 10:00 – Overview of Cultural Heritage Conservation in Brazil
Marcia Rizzo
Director MRizzo Restoration; Former Coordinator, Restoration Course
At PUC-SP,Brazil
10:00 – 10:30 – Coffee Break
10:30 – noon – Working Groups
Panelists chair each of the discussion groups
12:00 – 12:50 – Working Groups Recommendations
12:50 to 1:00 – Closing remarks
Beatriz Haspo & Panelists APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas
Panelists Contact information: Beatriz Haspo Collections Officer, Library of Congress APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas bhas@loc.gov bhaspo@haspo.biz beatriz.haspo@apoyonline.org Amparo Rueda APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas amparoadelante@mac.com amparo.rueda@apoyonline.org Katriina Similä, Project Manager, Collections Unit, ICCROM, Rome ks@iccrom.org Debra Hess Norris, Chairperson, Art Conservation Program, University of Delaware dhnorris@udel.edu Magdalena Krebs Director of the master’s Program on Cultural Heritage Management, University of Los Andes. Former Director, DIBAM and CNCR, Santiago, Chile magdalenakrebs@gmail.com Hilda Abreu de Utermohlen Chair, ICOM-Dominican Republic National Committee (ICOM-DO) Executive Director, Hilab, Dominican Republic habreu.hilab@gmail.com Marcia de Mathias Rizzo Director MRizzo Restoration; Conservation Scientist, Former Coordinator of the Restoration Course at PUC-SP, Brazil mrizzo@mrizzo.com.br