On November 30 at 5 PM (USA-EST) we will begin a series of webinars to appreciate the 2023 APOYOnline Grantees.
These professionals were awarded a grant funded by APOYOnline and the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) with support from the Getty Foundation to attend the AIC 51st annual meeting in Jacksonville Florida this year and present their work as papers or posters.
In this first session, we will have a topic on textile conservation with the works of Alina Vazques from Cuba entitled “Searching alternatives for conservation” and Patricia Lissa from Argentina entitled “Three flags, the same identity”. Next, conservation of paintings with the work “Interdisciplinarity and inter-institutionality: a partnership between the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and the Frans Hals Museum in the study and treatment of three Frans Hals paintings” by Aline Oliveira from Brazil and then the topic of disaster preparedness with the work “When Dorian Visited Our Museum: How we can prepare to mitigate future impacts of worsening natural disasters on our collections” presented by Bria Dean from The Bahamas.
The presentations will be conducted in the native language of the author and at the end of the session, the authors will be available to answer questions.
Link to register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Yh8-8VwQSXixmiOUaVNLFg