APOYOnline 5th Regional Conference:
Sustainable Connections for Cultural Heritage
Panama City, PANAMA
June 30 to July 4, 2025
APOYOnline-Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas, Inc., is pleased to announce the APOYOnline 5th Regional Conference from June 30th to July 4th, 2025, in Panama City, PANAMA with the theme “Sustainable Connections for Cultural Heritage”. The conference is organized in collaboration with the Museo del Canal and the Museum Association of the Caribbean (MAC) in Panama and other local and regional institutions.
- Call for papers and posters [ENG]
- Convocatoria de Ponencias y Pósters [ESP]
- Chamada de comunicações e pôsteres [POR]
NOTE: Multiple authors instructions
For papers or posters with multiple authors, the abstract must contain all the authors names. The person submitting the abstract as primary author will be considered the primary contact for communication. Co-authors, who would like to apply for grants, must submit the abstract again through the call for paper form and check NOT primary author.
NOTA: Instrucciones para varios autores
Para artículos o carteles con varios autores, el resumen debe contener todos los nombres de los autores. La persona que envía el resumen como autor principal será considerada el contacto principal para la comunicación. Los coautores que deseen solicitar becas deben enviar el resumen nuevamente a través del formulario de convocatoria de artículos y marcar NO autor principal.
NOTA: Instruções para múltiplos autores
Para artigos ou pôsters com múltiplos autores, o resumo deverá conter todos os nomes dos autores. A pessoa que submeter o resumo como autor principal será considerada o contato principal para comunicação. Os coautores que desejarem se candidatar a bolsas deverão submeter o resumo novamente através do formulário de chamada de artigos e marcar NÃO autor principal.
For 35 years, APOYOnline has worked to strengthen communication networks among cultural heritage professionals in Latin America, the Caribbean, and other Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, and to promote professional development in the field through improved access to specialized training and updated technical information in Spanish and Portuguese.
The APOYOnline 5th Regional Conference will focus on critical topics for the region, such as climate change and collections at risk, and the role of community engagement in preservation efforts. Participants will explore innovative trends and technologies designed to safeguard cultural patrimony. Additionally, the conference will address the importance of education and training in preparing individuals and organizations to meet these challenges. By fostering dynamic discussions and collaborative approaches, the conference aims to advance strategies for sustainable preservation of our common patrimony and to emphasize the essential connections within our regional and global heritage community.
The conference will be in hybrid format (in person and virtual) and will include panels with experts, oral presentations and posters, networking opportunities, a sponsors and manufacturers exhibit hall, technical visits to significant cultural institutions in Panama City, and much more.
Onsite workshops about photographic conservation and risk management/disaster management will include theoretical modules, practical exercises, and emergency drills. Virtual workshops will be available to cover a variety of subjects ranging from how to write scholarly papers, to leadership skills, communication and team building, and community engagement, among others. Workshop participation is included in the registration fee.
Through our community-led volunteer-based initiative MANOS A LA OBRA, APOYOnline will continue the tradition of supporting a local institution in need in the city that welcomes our regional conference with collections care activities. The institution will be selected in collaboration with the regional organizers in Panama City,
And, of course, we will have our 35th anniversary celebration party!
APOYOnline will offer partial grants, especially to students and emerging professionals to attend the conference and workshops (both in person and virtual).
Those interested in sharing their work through presentations or posters may submit an abstract related to one of the four themes of the Conference:
- Climate Change and Collections at Risk
- Community Engagement and Connections
- Innovation and Trends
- Education & Training
Abstracts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. For more information below.
APOYOnline is very grateful for the support of the current Sponsors and Collaborators, and the final list will be provided prior to the conference.
For more information, please contact: info@apoyonline.org