As the name suggests, this group comes together with the Board Members once a month to discuss and strategize about the core areas APOYOnline is working on, such as the coordination of pending events, translations, community engagement, and so on. The team involved in these efforts includes the following people:

Restorer-conservator of paper collections, she currently works in the Document Conservation and Restoration Service (SCRD) of the Archive and Documentation Department (DAD) of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz – Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. She has a degree in Conservation and Restoration (2023) and in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2012). She has worked as a scholarship holder at the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation within the Conservation Laboratory (LACRE) working mainly on the following subjects: rare works, books, library, preservation and conservation – restoration. She has also worked in private collections as a conservator, such as the collection of photographer Bel Pedrosa, consisting of photos and negatives. She was also a trainee at the Conservation Laboratory of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation (LACRE – FCRB), restoring works on paper. She has previous research
experience in urban history at IPPUR – UFRJ.
Working Groups: Community Engagement, Events
Museologist graduated from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO (2008), Master in International Relations from the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ (2012) and post-graduated in Conservation and Restoration of Historic-Artistic Assets by Palazzo Spinelli , Italy (2018). She has been working as a Museology Technician at the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) since 2010, with an emphasis on Preventive Conservation of movable cultural assets.
Working Groups: Community Engagement, Professional Development, Translations.
Architect and Urban Planner from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985), with a master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism – PROARQ-FAU/UFRJ (1997) and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Program Postgraduate Course at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, (2006). Specialization courses in Preservation of Modern Architecture at ICCROM – (1999) and Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the Center for Sustainable Heritage – University College London (2003). Architect of National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute – IPHAN (1984/1992) as part of the team responsible for preserving the Palacio Gustavo Capanema, and at the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation (1992-2019) where coordinated the Preventive Conservation Plan of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Memory and Collections/FCRB (2016- to date), and of the Postgraduate Program in Architecture at FAU-UFRJ/ Professional Master’s in Design and Heritage (2014-to date). Member of the Scientific Council of the Theory and Philosophy Committee of ICOMOS BRAZIL. Provides consultancy for cultural institutions with collections especially concerning preventive conservation.

Cristina Lara Corrêa has been working on her PhD in Museology at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Lisbon) since 2017. She has studied Management of Culture Heritage, Art Education, Art History and Paintings Conservation in several Brazilian institutions as well as the Istituto per L’Arte e il Restauro (Florence).
Cristina focuses on the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Social Responsibility. She is one of the founding members of LUME – Associação de Cultura e Património (Portugal), and is also a member of ICOM Brazil.
Working Groups: Community Engagement, Professional Development, Translations.
Brazilian Heritage emerging conservator. PhD student in Museology and Heritage at the Museology and Heritage Postgraduate Program, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences. Master of Science (M.Sc) in Information Science at the Department of Information Science, University of Brasília. Bachelor’s degree in Conservation and Restoration at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Former participant at the Program Adapt: Conservation and Leadership in a Time of Change (Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works/Getty Foundation). Content producer for social media about heritage education at Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas (APOYOnline). Early career member of International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC).
Gabriela is also the volunteer Editor-in-chief of Desvio magazine.
Working Groups: Marketing & Communication, Publications

Pre-program conservation student and graduate of George Mason University with
a Bachelor of Art in Art History. Upon graduating in 2016, she interned for the
Curator of South Asian Art, at the Smithsonian Freer and Sackler Gallery of Asian
Art, and assisted in designing the Encountering the Buddha Exhibition in 2017. She
studied conservation practices under the Paper and Photographs Conservator of
the Freer and Sackler Gallery of Asian Art. In 2017, she joined the Washington
Conservation Guild and started a position in the Collections, Access, Loan and
Management Division at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. In 2018, she
studied abroad in Medellin, Colombia and joined the non-profit organization
APOYOnline Association for Heritage Preservation in the Americas to assist with
updating the website, providing technology support for onsite international
conferences, and designing media and print materials. She currently still
volunteers for APOYOnline.
Working Group: Technical Support.
Irene Delaveris got a Bachelor’s degree in Conservation, specializing in the conservation of archeological heritage at TEI Athina (Athens, Greece).
In Norway, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, she gained experience in preventive conservation and object treatment, material testing, collection management, as well as organizing academic events and teaching. Her most important project since 2012 has been to spread preventive conservation knowledge to native communities and students of the Archaeological and Anthropological Studies UMSA, La Paz.
In 2017 she was a UNESCO consultant , participating in the Conservation Plan for the World Heritage Site in Tiwanaku.
During 2021-22 she was working in Saudi Arabia for the Royal Commission for AlUla
Except for APOYOnline she is a member of other organizations such as the Bolivian Plurinational Community Museum Network and Red PROTERRA.
Working Groups: Community Engagment, Events, Professional Development, Translations.
Josefa Orrego-Trincado majored in art history, heritage studies and conservation at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago, Chile. She then pursued her master’s degree in Principles of Conservation at University College London, where she obtained the Ione Gedye Prize for Archaeological Conservation for her dissertation. She currently works as a Conservator at the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino. Her main interests are in community involvement in conservation decision-making and embedding sustainability in conservation practice, particularly in the regional context of Latin America.

Lénia Fernandes has a M.A. in Conservation and Restoration from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, specializing in photograph and paper objects. She is currently pursuing a PhD in the same institution on the topic of colour slides in Portuguese collections. She previously worked as a photograph conservator at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (2014-2016 and 2021-2022) and the Nederlands Fotomuseum (2016-2021).
Her professional experience is also connected to institutions such as the Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln (2012-2014), HTW-Berlin (2011), the Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira (2009-2011) and the Image Permanence Institute (2007-2008).
Maria Júlia Fróes e Costa is an emerging professional, specialized in photography conservation, with a bachelor’s degree in Conservation and Restoration from the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She was an intern at Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS), where she worked with the photography conservation team and laboratory for historical photographic processes. She worked as a photography conservation supervisor in the project to stabilize and condition photographs at the Research and Documentation Center of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ, a project that was awarded a grant from the Getty Foundation. She was an intern for a year at the conservation studio Gawain Weaver Art Conservation. During this year, she was invited by Debra Hess Norris to take her ARTC 657 course in the Master’s degree in Art Conservation at the University of Delaware. Among the published works, it is worth highlighting the poster presented at the IIC 28th Biennial Congress 2020 entitled “Applications of FTIR for identification of processes in photographic prints” which presents the results of the analysis of three photographic prints, with the aim of identifying them via spectroscopy in the region mid-infrared.
Working Groups: Events, Publications
Nathália Pamio Luiz is PhD student in Museology with research grant UNESCO Chair ULHT “Education, Citizenchip and Cultural Diversity” (Lusofona University – ULHT, 2019-2021). Founding Member of LUME – Association for Culture and Heritage. Volunteer on Executive Production at Lisbon Architecture Triennale (2019-2020). Executive Producer at Base7 Cultural Projects (2013-2018). Master in Museology (ULHT, 2020). Specialist in Cultural Management (PUC-SP, 2016) and Special and Inclusive Art Teaching (Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, 2015). Postgraduate in Cultural Production (FAAP, 2014). Bachelor in Photography (Centro Universitário SENAC, 2011).
Working Groups:

Sarah Sequeira is Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She is currently a student in the graduate program in Preservation and Management of the Cultural Heritage of Science and Health at Oswaldo Cruz House/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (COC/Fiocruz – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Her current research deals with the challenges of conserving outdoor cultural assets.
Working Groups: Branding, Events, Fundraising, Technical Support.
Teresa Lança is Senior conservator responsible for the conservation and restoration activities of the collections of the National Library of Portugal since 1997 to date, collaborates with several institutions in the conservation of their graphic document collections and conducts training courses in preventive conservation aimed at professionals from libraries, archives and museums.
Through scholarships he attended internships at the Library of Congress, the Université de Sorbonne and the National Library of Spain.
Teresa has a Bachelor in Conservation of Graphic Documents (1993) and graduated in Higher Studies Specialized in Art Expertise (1995). She also has aMaster in Heritage Studies (2013) and a Master in Documentation and Information Sciences (2019).
Working Group: Translations
Passionate about art and all its expressions, Yazmin studied Fine Arts at the University of Panama. He has been dedicated to Printing techniques and teaching them for 15 years (engraving, screen printing and others). She worked for 10 years in the workshop of the artist Carlos Cruz Diez as a restorer of artworks and heritage objects. She has participated in various art and conservation courses and seminars. She is currently a Senior Conservator and Restorer at the Panama Interoceanic Canal Museum. In 2023 she was a fellow at the Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation in Jacksonville Florida, where she presented a Poster.
Working Group: Events