Working Groups

This working group has been updating APOYOnline’s overall public image – its logo, website, presentations, etc. –  and works closely with the members of the Marketing & Communication team.

The role of this group is to create a closer bond between APOYOnline and the community it seeks to collaborate with, including its members, students, emerging professionals, regional groups and volunteers. This group also has an overview of the APOYOnline membership and mailing lists and often collaborates with the Marketing & Communication team. You too can become an APOYOnline member.

Learn more about past APOYOnline Regional conferences.

As APOYOnline is a non-profit organization that aims to help others, it is important to continuously look for grants to support our activities and further develop our resources. You can also help us with your donations .

APOYOnline uses its social media platforms to keep you informed about our activities and other opportunities from cultural heritage institutions that might be of interest to our community. The way we present ourselves is connected to the work developed by the Branding team.

This group works alongside the Events and Community Engagement teams to provide more learning opportunities to cultural heritage professionals.

APOYOnline coordinates the production of its own newsletter and event post-prints. This would not be possible without continuous collaboration with the Translations group. Learn more about Our Publications.

All our volunteers are spread around the world and it is essential that we have secure digital infrastructure to communicate with each other. This group also helps APOYOnline during our events and maintains our website.

APOYOnline produces content in Portuguese, Spanish and English. One of our most important activities is to provide access to translated technical literature, both created by us or by international cultural institutions. This group is constantly exchanging information with the Publications team and provides interpretation services druing our events. Take a look at the work we’ve done so far.  

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