“APOYOnline & Friends: A Masterclass Series” to support scholarships for students to attend our November 2021 Student Conference in Heritage Preservation

APOYOnline – the Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas – is excited to present a series of fundraising events “APOYOnline & Friends: A Masterclass Series.” This series of intimate classes will include virtual discussions and opportunities for one-on-one question and answer with heritage preservation experts. The classes will be at least three hours in length, under 40 participants, with the content and format developed by each expert. Each class will be presented in the native language of the expert with instructional material provided in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

Help APOYOnline support the future of heritage preservation and take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from preeminent experts in heritage preservation!

Masterclass 1. Gestión Ambiental Verde: Patrimonio Cultural (“Green” Environmental Management: Cultural Heritage) with Nieves Valentín

The first course will be taught by Nieves Valentín and is entitled Gestión Ambiental Verde: Patrimonio Cultural. The course is scheduled for February 27, 2021 from 10am-1pm EST, and will cost $20 (USD). All proceeds will support scholarships for students to attend our upcoming 4th Regional Conference in November. The course will include one hour of lecture and two hours of discussion and question and answer. Information discussed will include:

The discipline of environmental management in heritage preservation is focused on designing action-plans aimed at preventing deterioration in heritage collections. It uses multidisciplinary and coordinated strategies, in accordance with criteria of sustainability, viability, and safety, and incorporates risk indicators, essential for decision making. It prioritizes improving air quality and reducing environmental impact, implementing non-toxic and environmentally friendly conservation systems. It develops “green” tools and methodologies for the preservation of cultural heritage.

The similarities and differences between environmental management and preventive conservation will be discussed in this course.

Space is limited to promote participant and instructor interaction. To sign up: send us an email to info@apoyonline.org with the subject “Masterclass” to alert the organizers of your interest and we will direct you to the payment page.

Participants are encouraged to send in case studies to Nieves to discuss during the class and to submit questions related to the following themes:

1. Climate:
Strategies to protect a building and its collections against the impact of a specific climate.

2. Air quality:
Indoor air quality including in showrooms, warehouses, and showcases. Chemical and biological environmental pollutants.
Methods to optimize air quality

3. Biodeterioration.
Detection and diagnosis of biodeterioration in organic materials; paper, leather, wood, textiles, mummies.
Non-toxic, sustainable, and viable treatments and systems for pest and mold control.

4. Disasters.
Control strategies for floods and biodegradation.

5. Preventing negative health impacts of chemical and biological agents
Chemical products for the eradication of biodeterioration in materials and in the environment




3 Responses

  1. Hola me gustaría mucho poder participar, registrarme y pagar para la masterclass con Nieves Valentin

    Muchas gracias


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