Icon Pest Odyssey 2021 – The Next Generation | September 20 and 22, 2021

The PestNet network began as an interdisciplinary collaborative group of professionals with the goal of preventing and controlling pests (IPM – Integrated Pest Management) in a non-polluting way to people and collections linked and supported by the American Conservation Institute (AIC, USA), by the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC, USA), and by the Pest Odyssey group (UK).

The MuseumPests Working Group (MP-WG) is a voluntary group conformed by people responsible for collections, curators, entomologists and professionals, interested in the implementation of IPM in museums, libraries, archives and other institutions that works for the benefit of the community related to cultural heritage.

In 2020, the MP-WG and APOYOnline began a collaboration that resulted in APOYOnline’s participation in the newly formed MuseumPests Working Group-Spanish to ensure that the content of the website is available in Spanish. Among other activities, APOYOnline is responsible for reviewing the translations made by a group of Latin American professionals in charge of collections.

The work of the MuseumPests-Spanish Working Group will be presented during Icon Pest Odyssey 2021 – The Next Generation, United Kingdom, next September 20, 2021, during the conference, totally virtual, between September 20 and 22, 2021.





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