#Youngpreservationprofessionals – Daniela González-Pruitt

Our second #Youngpreservationprofessionals presents the amazing APOYOnline volunteer Daniela González-Pruitt!


Daniela González-Pruitt is a rising 2nd year specializing in paintings at the Buffalo State College Garman Art Conservation program in Buffalo, New York. She is currently completing her summer internship at the Dallas Museum of Art in Dallas, Texas, with paintings conservator Laura Eva Hartman and Jorge Baldor curator of Latin American Art, Mark Castro. She is focusing on the research and treatment of several Spanish viceregal paintings, gifted to the museum by the De La Garza family.

Her main project is the research and treatment of the Flight into Egypt (La Huida A Egipto), a mid-18th century enconchado panel painting. Enconchados are a rare genre of viceregal paintings originating in Mexico that incorporate thin, mother of pearl inlays.

The work has been imaged and analyzed using ultraviolet fluorescence, x-radiography, and x-ray fluorescence techniques to uncover more information about the working practices and materials used by the artist. Daniela is interested in the research and technical analysis of Spanish viceregal works produced in Latin America as they reflect a flourishing and unique period of art brought about by the blending of indigenous symbolism and foreign traditions.

For her master’s project, Daniela will be completing an in-depth technical analysis of a Spanish viceregal painting from the Thoma Foundation.

Daniela is a core team member of APOYOnline and she is passionate about her contribution and assistance in projects to promote the exchange and professional development between conservators in Latin America and North America. She is thankful for the many kind colleagues she has met in this organization who have encouraged and celebrated her accomplishments as she continues her path in art conservation. Daniela strives to support and advocate for a more diverse field in both cultural institutions and conservation. As a previous participant and product of conservation preprogram diversity initiatives. She would love to assist upcoming pre-program students who are interested in the field of cultural heritage or those who are preparing to apply to conservation graduate programs.

Please feel free to contact Daniela at the following email address: gonzall06@mail.buffalostate.edu




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